Sunday 26 October 2014

Study Task 2 - What do I want to know? Why am I going to do?

•What makes a successful illustration?
-Once I have a more solid and definitive idea of what makes a successful illustration I should have more of an idea oh what to employ and aim for in my own  work to make it a success
-Read reviews on sites such as 'Creative Review' to establish what other people deem to be successful illustration. Look at the work of illustrators who inspire me or work I deem to be successful pieces of illustration. What do they have in common? What makes them different? Despite these differences what makes them sucessful?

•What is an average day like for an illustrator? 
-So I have a rough idea of what to expect when I leave university and go into a career if illustration. How organised I have to be and how important time management is. To gain a better understanding of the career I want to pursue
-Attend big heads sessions and listen to what their average/working days are like. Read articles and interviews about illustrators and the practice as a whole 

•How do you find work as an illustrator? 
-So I know how to become employed and get get work post-graduation. Again to have a better understanding of what it's like to have a career as an illustrator rather than hobbiest
-Attend PPP lectures, seminars and briefings. Ask tutors questions about employability and how it works

•Differences between freelance as working for a company? 
-Maybe start to form an opinion as to which I prefer or would rather work as. Learn the pros and cons of each
-Do in depth research into well known illustration companies/agencies? Explore a breadth of possible employers and find similarities and differences in the way teu work and treat their illustration staff. Again search, read and watch interviews in which illustrators express their opinions  on working for a company vs workin for yourself. Attend 'Big Head' sessions such as the previously attended one in which illustrators discuss what type of work they prefer to create

•How are you taxed as an illustrator? 
-To understand more about the payment part of working as an illustrator. What tax forms need to be filled out and by who? 
-By understanding this I will have a greater understanding of illustration as a career rather than a hobby

•How often/ convenient is it to get work in other countries/ to work while travelling? 
-The idea of travelling after my degree is something I've thought about before, but I don't know if it would be practically viable. Would I be able to travel and work simultaneously as an illustrator? If I were to take time out after my degree to travel would that damage my chances if becoming employed as an illustrator in the future? Or would it be best to start establishing my career then go travelling later on? 
-Search and look into if there are examples of travelling illustrators out there. Or if illustration jobs/ opportunities exist we're you are encouraged to travel as you work. Ask tutors for advice. Email illustrators who've done it? 

•What basic equipment/appliances do most illustrators own? E.g. Printers, scanners ect 
-To start assessing what equipment and appliances I currently have and what I should ideally have post-graduation. Obviously varies from illustrator to illustrator depending on what type of work they do, but what equipment is vital for most illustrators to work as a self sustaining unit. 
-Again read, watch and listen to interviews and articles which discuss illustrators studios. See what equipment a lot of illustration companies/agencies have available. Continue to attend PPP sessions. 

•How often do you meet clients face to face and how often is it done via other means such as Skype/ telephone?
-To once more understand illustration as a practice and career more fully. Get an idea of how creative discussions take place in relation to briefs and work. How much communication you have to do as an illustrator? 
-Ask tutors as they are working illustrators. Ask questions during Big Head sessions. Conduct research into the matter.

•Generally how does being illustrator work in terms of production process from receiving the brief to completing it and getting paid? 
-Understand the process of how being an illustrator actually works, what steps are undertaken from beginning to end
-Conduct own research into matter, read books on how being an illustrator works/the basics of illustration ect 

•How do I improve my illustrations?
-Illustration is what I love to do and as a result is something I want to constantly improve and become better at. By understanding some basic practies and principles to undertake to improve not only my image making but how I think about and understand illustration I should  become better at it as a practice. 
-Continue to attend SP, PPP and COP lectures, seminars and workshops. Get involved in crits, self reflections and evaluations to the best of my ability. Discuss my work with others to get fresh opinions, ideas and feedback about my own work. Be open minded and constantly hungry to improve 

Sunday 5 October 2014

Study Task 1 - Who am I? Why am I here?

Identify five reasons why you chose to study illustration:
• I feel as though illustration allows me explore and study the type of artwork I love 
• I enjoy telling stories with my art
• I find the work of other illustrators inspirational 
• I have interests in specific forms of illustrations for set audiences 
• It is something I would like to make a career of

Why you chose to study this course at LCA?
• The course was built upon a similar framework to the graphic design course which was highly successful 
• The equipment and facilities are top notch 
• The staff seem genuinely interested in both the course and the progression of students 
• The university is held in high regards in terms of the arts
• It was an arts only university thus creating a creative community in the college 

Five of your strengths:
• The ability to quickly sketch and get ideas out
• Not be too precious with my drawings 
• Willing to experiment and try new styles and media
• Have experience using both traditional and digital media
• A genuine interest to improve and develop artistically 

Five things you want to improve:
• Time management 
• Developing my final images to look professional 
• Develop my own style 
• Read more articles, books, blogs and interviews in relation to illustration
• Experiment more with new medias, styles ect

Five images which demonstrate your interest in illustration:

lois van baarle

Val Samuelson - 1955

Victoria Ying

Glen Keane - Rapunzel

Marc Boutavant