Friday 27 February 2015

A3 Personal Ad

A3 Personal Ad

I took a lot of inspiration for this ad from the previous 20 word personal advertisement we did in the last studio session. I felt that the 20 word personal ad I did reflected myself a lot better than the superheroes task did, and I wanted to keep that immediate sense of honesty. I like the playfulness of this poster, however I know that it could have been crafted to a much higher degree, and as a personal advertisement (in an employability sense) it doesn't work very well in advertising my strong points as an illustrator and it more of an overall personally summary than an illustration based reflective personal ad.

Wednesday 4 February 2015

Twenty Word Personal Ad

20 word personal ad

This task came quite easily to me. I think some of my strengths lie in my ability to be honest and to work with language. Throughout this year I've found that annotating my sketchbooks as I sketch and scamp has been really helpful to self reflecting and analysing my work as I create it. The synthesis of language and image is something I feel quite comfortable in.

The shortness of this task (only twenty words) I think also made me get directly to the point, while still retaining that element of play and immediateness. 

Super Powers Task

Super Jazz by Georgie 


Lots of experimentation with media
Creating drawings that 'come to life' (full of character)


Being ill
Time management


I found this task rather difficult, I think this was largely due to the short timescale for reflection and completion of an image. Both me and Georgie struggled to come up with a hefty list of strengths and weaknesses; I think it was also a lot easier to think of things you want to improve on and get better at than things you're currently doing well.